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时间: 世芳2 翻译




  太极拳(Tai Chi)是一系列缓慢的动作,旨在修炼身心。它就像是一种舞蹈,却不需要你随音乐起舞,而是需要你向内看,聆听内心的节奏。它创自数千年前,原本是一种武术(martial art)—一种自卫的技艺。然而,它的武术方面如今不太流行了。目前全世界成千上万人练习它,主要是由于它对于人类健康的神奇作用。它将身体动作与平静、冥想的(meditative)心理状态结合起来,所以也被称作“冥想运动(meditation in motion) ”。


  Tai Chi

  Tai Chi is a series of slow movements which areaimed at trainning us physically and mentally. It isjust like a dance that requires you to look inside anddance to the internal rhythms instead of music. Itwas created thousands of years ago as a martial art and specifically as a defensive art.However, nowadays its martial aspect is not that popular. It is practiced by thousands ofpeople around the world mostly because of its miraculous effects on human's health. It is oftencalled “meditation in motion” because it combines the body's movements with the calm andmeditative state of mind.

  1.修炼身心:可译为train us physically and mentally 或者译为 train the body and mind 此处译文的us为补译的内容,为的是使英语句子结构完整。

  2.随音乐起舞:应译为dance to the music,其中dance to是一种固定表达方式,表示“随着…起舞”之意。

  3.一种自卫的技艺:应译为a defensive art。这里的“技艺”指“手脚灵巧, 有技能”,所以不能翻译成technique。

  4.它对于人类健康的神奇作用:翻译为its miraculous effects on human's health,其中要注意与effects搭配使用的介词为on。



  压岁钱(lucky money )是中国春节习俗中不可缺少的一项元素,是每个孩子过年时都热切期盼的礼物。除夕夜,家中的长辈会给予未成年的孩子一定数额的钱,称之为“压岁钱”,据说压岁钱可以使孩子平平安安地度过新的一年。在中国, 给压岁钱的风俗源远流长,流传至今。它是长辈送给孩子的护身符(amulet), 代表着长辈对孩子的美好祝福,可以保佑孩子在新的一年里健康吉利。


  As an indispensable element of the Spring Festivalcustoms in China, lucky money is a gift that everykid eagerly looks forward to during the SpringFestival. On Chinese New Year's Eve, the underagekids can receive a certain sum of cash from the elders in their family, which is called "luckymoney". It is believed that lucky money can bless the kids to have a safe and peaceful newyear. The custom of giving lucky money has a long history and spreads up to now in China. It isan amulet the elders give their kids, representing the elders'fine wishes for the kids andblessing them with health and good fortune in the New Year.

  1.除夕夜:即中国农历新年“春节”的前夜,可译为ChineseNew Year's Eve,或者the Eve of the Spring Festival.


  3.一定数额的钱:翻译为a certain sum of cash.“压岁钱”译为lucky money 属于固定搭配,而这里提到的具体的“钱”译为cash则更贴切一些,因为压岁钱一般都是采用现金的形式。

  4.源远流长,流传至今:翻译为have a long history and spread up to now, 此类常见短语的译法最好记下来,在考试中遇到,可直接套用。

  5.吉利:即“好的运气”,所以可翻译为good fortune.